In today’s post, Kerry Sorby reflects on the Year 3 review day during which students to evaluate and celebrate their time at YSJ…
Students are considered to be active members of a learning cohort here at YSJ. We welcome feedback on what worked well for students and areas that could be enhanced in the future. We strive as a programme team to provide an exceptional learning experience for all our students.

Class of 2013
At the end of year evaluation and celebration, students were encouraged to share their experiences with staff and review their personal and professional journey over the past 3 years. You can follow what we got up to on our Storify:
Reflective Tools
Feedback was gathered through a range of forums: text wall, Moodle questionnaire and a memory tree. We also used a hashtag #y3review to collect Twitter responses.
Online Text Wall: Level 3 students were asked to use 3 words to summarise their experience of the occupational therapy programme.
Memory Tree: These are the key themes illustrated on the tree: fun, challenging, emotional, inspiring, friendship, belonging, pride and changing people’s lives through occupation.

The Cohort of 2013 celebrating their achievements.
From all of us at YSJ OT, congratulations to all graduating students and good luck for the future!
7 Responses to End of Year Evaluations: The Student Voice, Part Two