Student Union Elections – Tim Holmes Interview

Contextualising Statement

My Applied Media Production Skills portfolio consists of four projects that range in forms of media from mobile journalism to a live studio show. I have applied contrasting skills and techniques as well as adapted to many forms of filming situations. I feel as though this module has expanded my knowledge of media production skills whilst showed me alternative ways of shooting stories and news.

Filming the Student Election video enabled me to work within a team whilst gaining experience working with clients and interviewees. Taking role of the camera and filming on the day I knew we had to set up for a professional video and within a restricted time limit. This meant that planning and setting up a criteria was essential beforehand in order to remain organised and efficient. With our interview set up, lighting was key and with a backdrop we used three-point lighting to highlight the interviewee. Using a fill light, a key light and a backlight setting them at appropriate light strengths we highlighted our subject. Using a backlight was an important concept as it “outlines the subject, separates them from the background and gives the subject more shape and depth” (Brown, B 2019).

Considering our clients were arranged on the day we had to ensure they felt comfortable as we felt it was a “good idea to get the interviewee talking in an open way at the beginning” (Harcup, T 2015) allowing them to settle into the filming environment and eventually get more content from them. In the filming situation and through ‘fair dealing’ we made sure our contributors knew what they’re footage was being used for and made it available for them to use themselves on social media etc. We also refrained from interrupting the interview as we wanted to “provide a means of communication that will give others (the interviewee) the opportunity to have their free voice heard” (Frost, C 2016). With self- promotion being at the heart of the interview with our subjects were wanting to show the best of themselves it was important during postproduction that we were true to the footage and not edit their words.


  • Brown, B. (2019). Motion picture & video lighting for cinematographers, gaffers & lighting technicians. 3rd ed. London: Routledge. p71.
  • Frost, C. (2016). Journalism, Ethics and Regulation. 4th ed. London: Routledge. P47.
  • Harcup, T. (2015). Journalism: Principles and Practice. 3rd ed. London: SAGE. P239, 133,134.

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