“I loved getting to know like-minded people, who all had a passion for literature. York St John is unique in its atmosphere – it is inclusive and intimate and I also felt supported. Every lecture, seminar and tutorial was a joy!”

Bethan is currently working in Waterstones while applying for full-time work in HR. Her dream is to write children’s fiction. She has had a short story published in York St John’s Beyond The Walls anthology and later this month will take part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) to bring her most recent novel idea to life.
I loved my time at York St John. It suited me as a learner so well, as the degree is all coursework based which is my strength! I loved the many contact hours and tutorials with our lecturers; they were invaluable to my progression. I loved attending lectures and seminars, eager to learn more and I really enjoyed the community of students. In my last year especially I loved the routine of the library and independent study – it was very empowering.
Read Bethan’s full story on the YSJ Graduation pages.