Keeping on Target

Arrow heading towards a target
How to set Targets for the children

With the main focus of all teaching being on the progression of children’s learning, establishing targets for the children to work towards helps to provide and recognise this progression. But how can this be achieved within the classroom? Well this week’s waffle aims to help.

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Invisible Planning

How does ironing relate to planning? - Yes it's meant to be an iron!
How does ironing relate to planning? – Yes it’s meant to be an iron!

This week I have just completed sessions within university on planning for mathematics within primary schools. However, the process of producing a weekly or session plan is to me only one part of the process. There exists a more hidden part of planning, what I call ‘invisible planning’!

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Displaying the display

Cut out the middle of these letters.
Cut out the middle of these letters.

A while back I waffled about displays. While gaining an hour today I thought it was time for a follow up. In the last waffle I looked at the planning and preparation part of my displays. In this waffle we grab the scissors and the staple gun and set to work!

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