End of year thoughts… from UG Primary Education

This is a strange time of year to be the Subject Director for Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education in Primary Education. All of our students, except for a few are finished for the year or for some, completely. It is a strange mix of the final approval of marks, degree classifications and so forth for this year coupled with making course, staffing and timetable preparations and staff professional development for next year; and all of this on a very quiet campus with virtually no students
So what of the 2017-18 university year for Primary Education?

First Years

Year 1 finished their first school placement on June 14th and we had a lively day on the 15th where we met with them all, reviewed their placement reports, sorted teaching groups for year 2 and so on. It was great to see them all again after being in school and it was especially good to hear the many stories of how enjoyable, if hard and challenging, their first placement had been. Many students said that they had not wanted it to finish and their enthusiasm was uplifting.

Second Years

Year 2 finished a couple of weeks earlier with their Settings Other than Schools (SOTS) placements in museums, outdoor education centres, galleries, stately homes etc. They took this on with gusto after a busy two week gap after their placement where they also presented their science assessments – busy times!

Third Years

And so to year 3 who completed not only their year but their whole course on 23rd May. We had just had two and a half days of CPD events run by year 3, for year 3, as part of their subject specialism. This was followed by a “Final Assembly” with a free lunch, memories, songs, some laughs and even a tear or two before we said goodbye and unleashed them into the world. The vast majority are set to take on their own class in September with some to follow other, equally worthy pathways. We will meet again at Graduation in November.

End of the Year

It is always great in May/June to see how much all of our student teachers have progressed since the previous September. Year 1 have changed from Freshers into student teachers, already taking steps into classroom and academic independence. Year 2 have grown hugely in their course work and placements and are ready for the rigours and expectations of year 3. Year 3 have stayed the course and are ready not only for the award of BA (Hons) and QTS, but for the world that awaits them after YSJ.

It is a strange time to be in a university in June; I think this is because I miss all of our student teachers. It is them that make the place and everything I do, make sense for me. I look forwards to September and meeting a new cohort of year 1, to see our new year 2 and 3 student teachers and I wish all of those from year 3 who have just left, every success in whatever they do next and I look forwards to catching up at graduation.

Best wishes

Peter Raymond – Subject Director, Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education

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