Idea behind story 1

For my first story idea I wanted it to be based around York and something significant that has happened recently that would still be in peoples minds. There was a lot of media around the recent York floods of December 2015, but there had been no news on how it had affected people and what life is like for them now almost 1 year on.

For each story that we create, we would have to use different types of media to present our work. For this story, I question myself between having a video interviewing some of the victims from the floods, or either creating a text piece and including another feature of media within it.

I chose the text option, and followed this by deciding to create a story on WordPress, so I was therefore able to include background information on the floods and include quotes from my interviewees to create flowing piece of text. I also took the opportunity to include another media features within the story and include videos and pictures of the damage that was created that I had sent to me by sources alongside their story in their own words.

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