My aunty Clare. She takes care of her two children as well as the whole family. After my father’s MS diagnosis, life changed for me and I felt lost. My aunty stepped in and protected me from many situations where I could’ve been left alone to defend myself. Without her, our family would be in a completely different place. She worked as a lecturer but quit her job to help care for my dad and is now doing an online course to achieve one of her many dreams. She supports both her children and spends so much time caring for them. I always know that she’s a phone call away and has literally driven across the UK for me when I moved to York. She’s taught me to say no and stand up for myself. I’m thankful for my aunty as her daughter and I have a brilliant example of a strong woman in our family. Not only do I feel protected by her but I also feel like I can protect myself because of her encouragement and beautiful character. She has truly changed my life and many others that she has taught in college.

Categories: IWD 2021


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