Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) – I’m In!

So here I am finally joining the current century and its technological wizardry – this is my first EVER blog post!  I am weirdly excited about this which is mildly concerning but a joyous experience nonetheless.

I am a student researcher – and that’s a title I never thought I would have – working on a project to update the Technology Enhanced Learning Quality Framework at York St John University.  Phil Vincent is my Project Supervisor – Hello Phil! – and we will be working together on this project.  I am looking forward to contributing to this work and learning more about TEL from Phil and his team.

To date we have had 2 meetings and I am now in the process of gathering information about existing sector wide quality standards and reviewing current research so that we can benchmark YSJ standards against industry norms.  This is the first stage of our project and I will be blogging about our progress as the standards develop.

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1 Response

  1. Phil Vincent says:

    Hi Helen, and welcome to the blogosphere!

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