Category: Teaching and Learning

Image of lightbulbs against a brick wall.
Decolonising the Curriculum, Diversity and Inclusion, Social Justice, Teaching and Learning

To decolonise, we must reflect first upon our selves: thoughts following the ‘Reimaging Higher Education’ Conference at De Montfort University

By Laura Key. On Wednesday 8th November, I was fortunate to join colleagues from across the UK at De Montfort University’s ‘Reimagining Higher Education: Journeys of Decolonising’ conference. Picking up on the current (inter)national focusContinue reading

Photo of York skyline, featuring York Minster
Decolonising the Curriculum, Diversity and Inclusion, International Student Experience, Teaching and Learning, YSJU Talk About Teaching Annual Conference

The Autumn skies are full of (international) opportunities. Are you ready?

By Kate Dexter. Will our new international students be ready for their tempestuous flight: the challenge of living, studying, and thriving in an unfamiliar land, amongst unfamiliar others… in an unfamiliar location, with a seeminglyContinue reading