Our New Centre Name!


You may remember earlier this year, we enlisted the help of our community (you) to come up with the Centre’s new name to tie in line with the expansion of the Centre and our relocation to Clarence Street early next year.


We are delighted to announce our Counselling and Mental Health Centre’s new name of ‘York St John Communities Centre‘. Our core values of creative, collaborative, communities remain, however our new name signifies a transition to new premises and practices; some of which are noted below, others will be communicated in the coming weeks!


As our Centre grows, we will see the expansion of our Adult Mental Health Services, the Parent and Family Centre, York St John Student Support Services, Community Language School, free Legal Clinic, and the growth of our research Centre.


Our aim is to provide our community with high quality and accessible services. We currently offer York residents a counselling service which is based on a sliding scale from £10 – £50, depending on what you are able to afford.


We offer access to free support groups. We have a ten-week bereavement support group, a ten-week Cuppa & Conversation emotional support and self-development group, a drop-in infant feeding and breastfeeding group based at York St John campus chapel working with Treasure Chest, and in the new year we’ll also be starting an evening drop-in service, Chat Café, where you can come in for conversation and a hot beverage.


Centre Director, Professor Lynne Gabriel said “The Centre team is really excited about these developments and what they represent for our extending footprint and presence. Collectively, the Centre team and student/staff partners are forging forward with our great existing projects, working on innovative developments (including the Centre’s trauma work and dementia work) and extending our reach to engage with more citizens and communities”.

York St John Communities Centre
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