breaking news: the ysj english literature society returns!

By Rose Kirby, English Lit Society Publicity Officer

Following the winding down of this society in previous years, we’re here to restart the academic and diverse community that stood at York St John. A community that will encourage discussion and thorough engagement, as well as support, we are open to students studying Literature, or anyone that loves to emerge themselves in literature.

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“i was able to push myself”: recent literature graduate emily garner tells her YSJ story

“In the future I hope to continue working in academia, either as a Lecturer or part of a student services team. I was inspired by the Literature lecturers at York St John to consider teaching at university because their passion and knowledge is all I could ever want from a career.”

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event reflection: shakespeare’s contemporary appeal

By Oscar Williams

Pippa Nixon and Alex Waldmann discuss Shakespeare in the 21st Century.

York St. John recently hosted an intimate discussion on Shakespeare with leading Shakespearean actors, and York St John Cultural Fellows, Pippa Nixon and Alex Waldmann. Pippa and Alex have been involved in polarising, contemporary productions of As You Like It, King John and Hamlet. Continue reading “event reflection: shakespeare’s contemporary appeal”

listen to ben jonson’s volpone, performed by YSJU students

Ben Jonson’s 1606 play Volpone is a set-text on ‘1En600: Introduction to Literary Studies’, a first year module which takes students on a trans-historical tour of English Literature published prior to the 19th century. To supplement their reading, this year’s students worked with staff to perform a live-reading of the play for their peers. You can now listen to a recording of the performance via the YSJU Media Library!

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the base-line: imaginary worlds students go to see blade runner 2049

By Adam Cummings

On Tuesday the 5th of October the Literature and Media programmes organised a group free trip to see Blade Runner 2049 as part of the module 2EN440: Imaginary Worlds.  The crowd, as you arrived within the York City Screen cinema, was definitely recognisable. If someone was to say, “Imagine a group of Science Fiction Literature students grouped together, waiting to see perhaps the most anticipated science fiction sequel to be released in thirty years”, I guarantee that you would at least be able to spot some key similarities among these people.

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a cold cheeseburger & the waterstones lock-in, 2017

By Beth Davies

I’m fully aware all those reading this post right now have been sat eagerly by their phones, awaiting the tweet of a new Words Matter post. Well, I’m not one to disappoint. Here we are: grab a brew, sit and read all about my experiences at this year’s Waterstones Student Lock-In. I hope you made it to the night, but if you couldn’t attend we now use the power of literature to allow you to re-live it through words. Let’s see how it goes…

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student opportunity: be an IDAS champion

Thank you to Gemma Linfoot-King and Lizzie Hope for getting in touch to tell us about an exciting and informative experience for YSJU students. They are hosting a free lunch followed by training to be an IDAS Champion. IDAS are the largest charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone who has experiencing or affected by domestic abuse of sexual violence.

The event takes place from 12-4.30 on Thursday 16th November in SK/036, and you can book your place here.

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