York St John University one of the top 100 organisations for LGB-friendliness

Staff across the University celebrate with a commemorative cake!
Stonewall today released the results of their annual Workplace Equality Index, “the definitive list of Britain’s most gay-friendly workplaces”. We’re delighted that in our second submission, we have managed to jump 146 places to meet our ambitious target of reaching the prestigious top 100 by 2015, coming 78th.
We believe the result represents the hard work and dedication of staff and students to create an inclusive community in which individuals are supported and encouraged to be themselves. We are proud of what has been achieved by the LGBT Staff Network, Human Resources and others across the university in the last few years:
- the Gay By Degree result;
- the introduction and visibility of rainbow lanyards;
- the coordination of York LGBT History Month 2014;
- hosting Campus North, the regional network of LGBT staff networks in higher education institutions, and bringing trans issues to the fore;
- nearly forty members of the University signing Stonewall’s #NoBystanders pledge at less than a days notice!
The University is one of only nine higher education institutions to reach the top 100, and one of only two universities to rank in the top 100 of the 2015 Workplace Equality Index and also score top marks in Stonewall’s 2015 Gay By Degree (the other being Cardiff University).
For more information, including a quote from the Director of Student and Staff Services, see the University’s press release.
55 Responses
[…] our submission to the next Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, with high hopes of replicating last year’s top 100 success! As part of this exercise, all staff (LGBT or not) are invited to give their views on the […]