Update: upcoming History Month events; World AIDS Day stall
Events this week for York LGBT History Month 2015
Six events are to take place this week as part of York LGBT History Month 2015. For a summary of the events, which include film screenings, a talk, interactive drop-in sessions and the launch night, see the blog post.
World AIDS Day stall
Our World AIDS Day stall raised £45.33 for North Yorkshire AIDS Action. Many thanks to all the volunteers that dedicated their time to help out!
Talking Literature, Talking Theory
The following is a message from Dr Sarah Lawson Welsh, Associate Professor and Reader in English and Postcolonial Literatures.
Please save the date for the second Talking Literature, Talking Theory event: Monday 16th February.
Internationally renowned academic Professor Alison Donnell from the University of Reading will be talking about Nobel Prize winning novelist and travel writer, V.S. Naipaul, whose controversial views on his native Caribbean, world religions, race, gender and sexuality have made him the focus of considerable critical debate.
As usual, there will be a seminar led by Professor Donnell in DG/019 2-4pm based upon the following short piece of criticism: Alison Donnell ‘V.S.Naipaul, a Queer Trinidadian‘, Wasafiri, 2, 2013: 58-65. You are asked to read this in preparation as well as the attached [not attached – available from Sarah] extract from Naipaul’s A Way in the World.
This will be followed by refreshments in De Grey foyer 4-4.30pm and then an open lecture in DG/017 4.30-6pm : ‘Impossible or Inevitable? Reading for Caribbean queer culture.’
Please publicise through relevant networks and to all interested individuals. All are welcome but if you wish to attend please can you email s.lawsonwelsh@yorksj.ac.uk and a.beaumont@yorksj.ac.uk so that we can monitor numbers of attendees.
York Lesbian Social Group lunch
York Lesbian Social Group are opening up their social this month to coincide with York LGBT History Month 2015. The following is a message from the coordiantor, Heather Foxton.
We are a York based social group, established 20 plus years ago, for lesbians who like to keep in touch and enjoy friendship with like-minded women.
We would like to open our Sunday Lunch this month to all those women who would like to come and join us to celebrate the York LGBT History Month 2015.
It will be held on Sunday 22 February 2015 at 12noon at the Royal Oak Bar & Restaurant, 18 Goodramgate, York YO1 7LG (near Monk Bar). Telephone 01904 628 869 www.royaloakyork.co.uk
Parking available at Monk Bar carpark, the street of Lord Mayor’s Walk, a little further down at Foss Bank (Sainsbury’s) carpark, and of course the Park & Ride car parks.
We have the option of eating in the main section, in the Snug, or the bigger room upstairs; it will be dependent entirely on how many will attend.
Would members and guests please confirm if they are coming by Wednesday 18 February 2015, either by email yorklesbians@outlook.com, or mobile 07989 927 165.
If any member or guest wishes to bring a friend or prospective new member they will be very welcome. Just let me know for the numbers.
LGBT research mapping
A project is taking place to map research that has been carried out with LGBT people since 2004. If you have completed or are currently completing any such research, or know of anything that might be relevant, see the LGBT Consortium news release.