Report on CPD for Sport Education Students


This is my first time blogging so please bear with me….

I am currently investigating and writing a report on the CPD courses we have on offer for Sports students. I have completed the initial version of this project last year using questionnaires to get a baseline and understanding of student opinions. I am continuing with this project this year using focus groups to gain more information.

The project focuses on the offer of giving 20 CPD points to sports students and allowing them to choose the courses they want to do (courses cost 5, 10 or 15 CPD points). We are trying to discover why/why not students engage with the courses, are the courses of benefit to students, do students understand the set up of the points and courses and finally are we offering courses they want/ any suggestions of specific courses they want.

Like I mentioned I completed the project last year, and some interesting results came out. For example students wanted the traditional mainstream sports offered in schools (this is difficult to facilitate due to Haxby Road facilities still being built, lack of time available in other facilities and also it would require students to contribute some money to). We also discovered that more advertisement at open days and visit days needs to be in place to attract potential students and explain the offer.


This is only the beginning introduction to my report and I hope you continue to read my future blogs for more information about myself and what I am doing.


Stay in touch and all the best



3rd Year PE and Sports Coaching student. Student by day, swimming teacher and daughter the rest of the time. Big fan of sports and TV shows and films. Hoping to graduate and go on to do a Masters and PhD. My career aspiration is to be a PE university lecturer

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