Category: Project Update

Domestic Violence Project 2

Domestic Violence Project

For my role as a student researcher I have been lucky enough to be involved in a project that is investigating group interventions for children that have been exposed to domestic violence. This is...

Inspiration 0


In the past few days I have been really busy with juggling my life, university and work. It feels like the end is in sight and yet I have a thousand and one obstacles...

NVivo Project: It’s a wrap! 0

NVivo Project: It’s a wrap!

Presenting at the international Value & Virtue in Practice-Based Research Conference on Wednesday 10 June was a great way to finish the project.  Ben and I presented at the morning parallel session and it...

Project Update: Early Career Trajectories 0

Project Update: Early Career Trajectories

Hello to all fellow student researchers! It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly three months since we (that’s Sue and Angie) began our project, exploring the career trajectories of students who have graduated...