HE Pay – Result

Member Bulletin

HE Pay – Branch Consultation Result

UNISON members have voted overwhelmingly to accept the Higher Education pay offer. Following a period of consultation, 89% of UNISON members voted to ACCEPT the offer, with 11% voting to reject.

UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) met on 30 May 2014 to consider the outcome of the branch consultation. The HESGE has agreed to accept the full and final settlement for 2014 – 15 and end the current dispute with the employers.

The HESGE thank UNISON members for their participation in 3 days of industrial action. Uniting together with other unions fighting against low pay has led to the Living Wage becoming a reality for some of the lowest paid staff in the sector, as well as a 2% salary increase for ALL staff across all pay points for 2014 /15.

The campaign for Fair Pay in Higher Education does not stop here. UNISON will continue its campaign for universities to become Living Wage accredited employers.

Members of staff delivering the student experience and supporting students in higher education deserve to share in the continuing success of the sector. UNISON will continue to campaign for future pay settlements to address the increasing costs of living for our members.

Work is also continuing to address important issues such as the gender pay gap and the growing casualisation in the sector as a result of this year’s pay settlement.

Please see the Full and Final Settlement Offer 2014-15 – 20 May 2014doc

Latest information on HE pay dispute from Unison

Unison has decided to fully consult members, via their branches, to develop a strategy for future action in the HE pay dispute http://www.unison.org.uk/news/members-to-be-consulted-on-next-steps-in-higher-ed-pay-dispute

This decision means that, before any further strike days are called, the service group executive will develop a strategy to maximise the impact of future action and make sure members are only called out when there is likely to be significant impact on higher education institutions.




AGM 2014

The Unison AGM will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2014 at 10.30am in the De Grey Lecture Theatre (DG017).

The agenda, minutes of the last AGM meeting and the Health & Safety Officer’s Report can be accessed below.  The unaudited accounts for 2013 will be posted before close of play on 4 February 2014.

Agenda – AGM 5.2.14
YSJ Branch – Unison – AGM Minutes 6.2.13
H&S Report for the 2014 AGM
Unison accounts 31 Dec 2013 (final unaudited for AGM)




Following the first two days of strike action on 31 October and 3 December 2013 UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive has called a further strike day to be held on the 6th February 2014. This will be a joint strike with other HE unions.

For further information on the strike or to help out on the day please email Dave Thomspon, Chair of the York St John Union Branch d.thompson@yorksj.ac.uk or reply direct to this email which one of the branch officers will pick up.  Please access the UNISON website for more detailed information too.

Please support UNISON in its fight for a fair and affordable pay settlement for us all.


Important Information on 3.12.13 strike action

Dear Member

Unison are asking you to take strike action on 3 December 2013 as, unfortunately, last minute talks that took place on November 26th between the Joint Unions and UCEA, the employers’ representatives, failed to resolve the Higher Education pay dispute. UCEA said the employers could not afford more than this even though their own accounts show differently. Universities appear to have plenty of money for improving facilities and increasing Vice Chancellors’ wages but not to pay our members a fair and affordable pay settlement.

As we have stated before, this strike is not just about our low paid members but about the annual attack that all our members have suffered on the value of their pay due to well below cost of living pay rises. We know that because of that it is not easy to take strike action but Unison, along with the other unions who are taking strike action, believe that if we do not take action now then this devaluation of our members wages will continue year after year.

Unison York St John branch members will be picketing university entrances between 8.00 and 12.00 on 3 December 2013. Please join us if you are able to. We will be meeting in front of the Fountains building just before 8am. If this is too early for you then please join us later at one of the entrances to the University. There has been an offer of tea and coffee from the Students’ Union.

Please support Unison in the fight for a fair and affordable settlement for all our members in Higher Education.

Best Wishes
Dave Thompson
York St John Unison Chair

UNISON MEETINGS to further inform members of the pay settlement and industrial action

York St John Unison branch Committee are holding a number of short meetings to keep members fully up to date with this year’s pay settlement and also to discuss the planned industrial action on December 3rd.  Please try to make it to one of the meetings as this is an extremely important issue that affects all our members no matter what grade they are on.

Please come along to one of the sessions listed below where Unison Executive staff will be able to provide advice on the reasons and preparation for the industrial action.

You can also use the sessions to ask the Unison Executive about any other Unison matters.

Monday 25 November 2013

10.00-10.15 Skell 128
12.00-12.15 Skell 128

Tuesday 26 November 2013

10.15-10.30 Skell 037
12.15-12.30 Skell 128
16.45-17.00 Skell 128

Wednesday 27 November 2013

13.00-13.15 Skell 128
16.30-16.45 Skell 128

Members who cannot make one of the above meetings can access the Unison blog for the latest information http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/unison/


Further industrial action – 3 December 2013

As you may have heard via email, further strike action will be taken on 3 December 2013 unless agreement over this year’s pay settlement is reached.   

Please visit the Unison webpages for more information http://www.unison.org.uk/news/university-staff-announce-3-december-for-second-date-of-strike-action

We will be in touch shortly to keep you updated with any developments.  If anybody has any queries please contact the YSJ branch executive – members are listed on this site. 

Best wishes
Dave Thompson, Chair of York St John UNISON branch