Chronic illness is a term which encompasses a large group of illnesses. The NHS define it as ‘a health problem that requires ongoing management over a period of years or decades’. We might have heard of conditions such as ME or Arthritis, but recently long COVID has also brought more awareness to these conditions. Living with a long-term condition that causes issues such as pain or fatigue can be a real struggle. As an invisible illness, it is often hard to spot and can be even harder to treat.


So, with Christmas approaching, how can you help a family member or friend who has a chronic illness over the festive period?

  • Be aware of the words you use. For those with chronic illnesses, some of the worst things you can say are phrases such as ‘have you tried exercise/sleeping more/eating better?’ or other unsolicited advice. Offer empathy and understanding instead, being aware of how the other person may be feeling.
  • Accommodate. Chances are, the person with a chronic illness will know how to manage it and so be aware of what changes might need to be made in order for that person to have a great Christmas. This could be having more rest periods or eating specific foods, for example. If you’re not sure, then ask!
  • Listen. Offer an understanding ear, showing interest and support to the person on their journey with a chronic illness. Being there for someone during a time when they might be experiencing being out of their normal routine can make a real difference.


If you yourself are experiencing a chronic illness, be open with your needs and expectations. Often it can be tempting to over exert yourself during the festive season, but being honest with what is possible can help limit any long-lasting health effects from this time.




Author: Beth




Sources: NHS website

Chronic Illness
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