Update: Stonewall Christian Role Models book launch; World AIDS Day fundraising

Christian Role Model Poster

Stonewall Christian Role Models – York Guide Launch

York St John University and Stonewall are holding a joint event 18:00-20:00 next Wednesday (16 December) in the chapel to launch Stonewall’s new book: Christian Role Models. Stonewall say:

This book focuses on the experiences of Christians from across the world. Their backgrounds and religious traditions are all different: some are priests, some are in relationships, some have been imprisoned. Some of the people in this book identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans, and others are the staunchest of allies. But what they all share is a belief that God is love and acceptance.

This event will be a celebration of these stories, and an opportunity to talk about, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Welcoming attendees will be Revd. Annie Rowley, Chaplain of York St John University and Stonewall Ally. This will be followed by Prayer by Jenni Howard, LGBT Chaplaincy Representative at York St John.

Stonewall representative for Yorkshire and Humber, Josh Willacy, will say a few words regarding the guide and introduce the keynote speakers.

Keynote speakers

  • Fr. Tony Lester, Carmelite Provincial and former Catholic Chaplain of the University of York, Fr. Tony will discuss his spiritual viewpoint on inclusion.
  • Jamie Fletcher, Director of The Dancing Bear Trilogy, a series of experimental films, challenging talks and theatrical performances that aim to engage different audiences (particularly Christian communities) in conversations about LGBTQ issues. Jamie will talk about the trilogy, and will perform a song from his upcoming theatre show Dancing Bear.
  • Reverend Rachel Mann, Anglican parish priest, a Canon and Poet-in-Residence at Manchester Cathedral. Rachel identifies as trans and is featured in the Christian Role Models Guide. She speaks and writes widely as an author, philosopher, journalist and theologian on the dynamics of LGBT issues and faith.

For more information and to book a ticket, see Stonewall’s event page.


World AIDS Day fundraising

Chaplaincy volunteer Jenni Howard organised a colourful and informative stall for World AIDS Day last week, raising a tidy sum of £41 for the National AIDS Trust. Many thanks to Jenni for all her hard work!

Ynda Jas

Founding Secretary of the LGBT Staff Network and former Equality Champion for Registry, where I was based in the Academic Quality Support team. Also founder of York LGBTQ+ History and Non-binary London, and DJ coordinator at Bar Wotever, an iconic weekly queer cabaret event. They/them.

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