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Campus North March 2014

Campus North, a federation of northern higher education LGBT staff network, held a meeting on Friday 28 March at the University of Bradford. This was the second that representatives of York St John University...


Silence needs to be challenged too…

Here are a few thoughts on language, education, sexuality and inclusion…. There have been many recent advances in terms of LGB equality in the UK. Most notably, there have been legislative changes which enable...


York Pride 2014

York Pride is fast approaching! York St John University is proud to be sponsoring this year’s event, which takes place on Saturday 21 June and “provides [a] platform for a celebration of the diversity of the...


LGBT rights around the world

Marking IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia), the Guardian recently published a series of interactive graphics illustrating the current state of LGBT rights across the world. It really illuminates the ‘Lots done. Lots...