SaR Reflections: Navigating the Student-Staff Transition at YSJ

Several weeks have passed since my first tentative steps into my role as Student Researcher and so far it has been an enjoyable one. I have been challenged in many ways by this role already, building new skills and consolidating existing ones. Creating new social media strategies for the Occupational Therapy programme has been varied and engaging: planning, negotiating, bringing creative and logistical solutions to the table.

I had anticipated that the transition from studying in Arts to working in the new territory of HLS might feel strange. But an aspect to the project that I had not expected was negotiating the shift from YSJ student to YSJ staff member. It is unfamiliar to interact and communicate with lecturers and members of staff as peers, and it can be challenging to move away from the familiarity of the student-teacher dynamic. But I’ve noticed a natural shift into a ‘work self’, allowing more assertiveness and self-confidence which I’ve found to be paramount in terms of functioning in an appropriate and professional manner in my new role. With professionalism comes responsibility; juggling tasks and deadlines, delegating, managing staff members. All require the ability to be direct and assertive, especially whilst in your existing student environment. I’ve enjoyed separating briefly from my student self who is consumed with looming dissertation deadlines and whoever it is that has a hold on that elusive library textbook.

In a matter of months I will be navigating the world of graduate employment and beyond, so forming a sort of work persona now feels like great preparation. Moving into my new ‘work self’ has allowed me to feel a little bit more confident, a little more creative and a little more prepared to leave the student bubble. Almost.

Follow us on Twitter @YSJOT and look out for the new OT @ YSJ Blog, launching soon!


Final year student studying English Literature at YSJ.

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