HE Pay – Result

Member Bulletin

HE Pay – Branch Consultation Result

UNISON members have voted overwhelmingly to accept the Higher Education pay offer. Following a period of consultation, 89% of UNISON members voted to ACCEPT the offer, with 11% voting to reject.

UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) met on 30 May 2014 to consider the outcome of the branch consultation. The HESGE has agreed to accept the full and final settlement for 2014 – 15 and end the current dispute with the employers.

The HESGE thank UNISON members for their participation in 3 days of industrial action. Uniting together with other unions fighting against low pay has led to the Living Wage becoming a reality for some of the lowest paid staff in the sector, as well as a 2% salary increase for ALL staff across all pay points for 2014 /15.

The campaign for Fair Pay in Higher Education does not stop here. UNISON will continue its campaign for universities to become Living Wage accredited employers.

Members of staff delivering the student experience and supporting students in higher education deserve to share in the continuing success of the sector. UNISON will continue to campaign for future pay settlements to address the increasing costs of living for our members.

Work is also continuing to address important issues such as the gender pay gap and the growing casualisation in the sector as a result of this year’s pay settlement.

Please see the Full and Final Settlement Offer 2014-15 – 20 May 2014doc

Pay offer and member consultation

Higher education employers have made a pay offer of 2%, which they are calling a “full and final” offer. Although this is lower than we were hoping for, it is higher than the offers made over the last few years, showing how our campaigning and action can make a difference. See the national website for further details on the offer.

We will be holding consultation meetings on this offer during the week commencing 12 May:

  • Tuesday 13 May at 4:30 pm in room 119, De Grey Court
  • Wednesday 14 May at 8:30 am in room 222, Skell
  • Thursday 15 May at 12:00 pm in room 138, Holgate

You should also soon be receiving a voting slip on whether to accept this offer (which would also draw a line under the 2013-14 claim), or to reject it and push on with our campaign for a fairer deal for HE staff.

It is important that we reach as many members as possible. Please email us at unison@yorksj.ac.uk and let us know if you, or your colleagues, are not receiving communication from the branch or information from national Unison, as we may need to update your membership details.

HE Pay Update – 2 April

Negotiations with the National HE employers – 2014/15

As reported previously, pay negotiations have started for next year’s claim. The starting point for these negotiations is that current salaries should be increased by at least the RPI rate of inflation (RPI is generally higher than CPI, which is the government’s preferred measure). Click this link for full details of the pay claim (Unison web site).

Next steps in the Pay Dispute 2013/14

UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive met recently to discuss the arrangements to consult on the next steps in the unfinished dispute (as agreed by UNISON’s HE conference). Details of this consultation will be circulated to Branches shortly.

Of the other unions involved in the dispute, the main academic union UCU has announced a marking ban to start from 28 April 2014, but has no plans for further strikes. Further details on impacts for UNISON members will be distributed in April.

Members will have received a pay increase for 2013/14 as UCEA advised its University members to pay the 1% pay offer to staff in January 2014. This payment was imposed by the employers and it has not settled our dispute, as 1% was a figure rejected by members, who voted to take strike action against it.

Has the 3 day strike made a difference?

Yes.  Whilst the employers have not moved on the 1%, we have made some small gains. Since the start of the dispute a number of employers (some of whom had previously refused) have agreed to introduce the Living Wage. Bath University are the latest alongside King’s College and City University in London. UNISON branches are urged to put pressure on those universities that have not yet agreed a Living Wage. Help to progress a local campaign can be obtained from your Regional Organiser. The more members we have in your workplace, the stronger we become and more effective we will be in discussions with the employers. Potential members can join instantly by calling 0800 171 2193, join online at https://join.unison.org.uk, or speak to your local rep.

Pay negotiations have begun for 2014-15

Although we have still not agreed a final settlement for the 2013-14 pay deal, Unison’s national negotiators have already begun talks on next year’s claim with UCEA (the University and Colleges Employers Association) alongside other HE and FE unions, holding the first meeting on 26 March. Donna Row Merriman, Unison Senior National Officer reported:

“A constructive exploration has taken place on the core components of the trade unions’ pay claim and the context for the HE employers. Our positive dialogue will continue, and we will meet again formally on 15 April 2014.”


We will keep the site updated with further news as we hear it.


Latest information on HE pay dispute from Unison

Unison has decided to fully consult members, via their branches, to develop a strategy for future action in the HE pay dispute http://www.unison.org.uk/news/members-to-be-consulted-on-next-steps-in-higher-ed-pay-dispute

This decision means that, before any further strike days are called, the service group executive will develop a strategy to maximise the impact of future action and make sure members are only called out when there is likely to be significant impact on higher education institutions.




AGM 2014

The Unison AGM will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2014 at 10.30am in the De Grey Lecture Theatre (DG017).

The agenda, minutes of the last AGM meeting and the Health & Safety Officer’s Report can be accessed below.  The unaudited accounts for 2013 will be posted before close of play on 4 February 2014.

Agenda – AGM 5.2.14
YSJ Branch – Unison – AGM Minutes 6.2.13
H&S Report for the 2014 AGM
Unison accounts 31 Dec 2013 (final unaudited for AGM)