Yesterday we had our quarterly PEPSY Meeting (Providers of Emotional and Psychological Support in York) where we discussed how we can better work together to support each other, our colleagues and students, and our local community.


Formed in December 2012, PEPSY established themselves with the purpose of sharing information and experience in regards to counselling provisions in agencies and services in York and the surrounding area, aiming to facilitate dialogue with individuals and organisations who have responsibilities in the community for mental health.


Furthermore, one of PEPSY’s ambitions is to map and monitor counselling provisions in York and beyond, with a view to highlighting gaps and seeking a way to fill them.


Yesterday’s meeting was especially exciting as we reviewed how the group runs, how else we can better support our community, and how we can be further inclusive. We are grateful to have this space to collaborate with fantastic organisations such as York Mind, Cruse Bereavement Care, Kyra, Reflect, 1-2-1 Counselling, York Women’s Counselling Service, YSJ Wellbeing, Community Counselling Ltd, York College and IDAS, all providing much needed emotional and psychological support in York and beyond.

Coming Together
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