We’ve all heard the classic Self-Care ideas of having a bubble bath or going for a walk – but how about learning something new as a form of self-care?


This would fit under the ‘mental self-care’ we previously spoke about, and depending on what you’re learning, can also be a part of your physical or social self-care – not forgetting the fun aspect of learning which can support your emotional wellbeing too.


Research indicates that learning something new can aid in keeping your brain healthy and fighting off symptoms of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Even the process you undergo when learning something new can stimulate the growth of new brain cells – pretty great right. Depending on what you learn, can provide you with different benefits too. Say you decide you want to learn salsa or line dancing; you’ll most likely improve your balance, motor function, and memory too!


Taking time out of your daily or weekly routine to focus on learning something new, just for you, is a great act of self-care. The more you incorporate this a new habit, the more motivated you might feel, and you may find it much easier to do other things for yourself and alongside this your confidence may increase – always a good side effect to have.


Depending on what you decide to learn, it might even help to grow your social networks. Even if it’s a solitary activity, you might connect with other people who also engage with it, forming a community of people with a shared interest. 


Additionally, you might decide to learn something that increases your knowledge or practical skills that could help you to manage life more easily such as a beginner’s course in mechanics, cooking, accounting, or sewing. Or even pick a subject that can provide you with a boost in your work or career; whether that’s helping you work smarter or aid you in gaining a promotion.


Whether it’s reading up on history or quantum physics, learning an instrument or how to paint, practicing creative writing or photography, dabbling with a new language or computing – make sure that you pick something you’re interested in, or something that will be a lot of fun. And just because you start learning something, doesn’t mean you have to stick to it – no one need that kind of pressure, especially in the realms of self-care. Do it for you, because it brings you joy, and makes you feel good. ✨

Self-Care Sunday | Learning
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