Research has shown that members of the LGBTQIA+ community are disproportionately affected by mental health difficulties, with at least 50% of individuals in Britain experiencing depression and 3 in 5 experiencing anxiety (Stonewall, 2018). Although every persons experiences will differ, LGBTQIA+ people are more likely to experience stigma, hate crimes, isolation, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and many other social factors that can contribute towards ill mental health. Furthermore, around 13% of LGBT people in Britain have reported experiencing discrimination within healthcare settings, including inappropriate curiosity from staff, pressure to question or change their sexuality, forced suppression of gender identity, and refusal of care (Stonewall, 2018).


Regardless of your identity or background, you deserve support that it respectful and appropriate for your needs, which sometimes means that accessing specialist organisations may be beneficial for your safety and wellbeing. Whether you need support with advocacy, general advice, or psychological therapy, there are services out there to help you.



Getting Support

Where to start
Accessing social or health care can be difficult for many members of the LGBTQ+ community, so it can sometimes help to start by talking to a trusted person about how you feel. If you are unable to do this it may be useful to speak to someone on an LGBTQ+ helpline, such as switchboard. Your GP can also help by referring you to services or providing diagnoses of mental health disorders. You do not have to disclose your identity to them, but this could help them find the right service for you.


Peer support
Peer support can be a great way to connect with people who may have faced similar experiences to you, whether this is regarding mental health difficulties or identity. A directory of groups can be found on the stonewall website, and we have also listed some that are local to York below.


Psychological treatment may be beneficial if you are struggling with your mental health or are just in need of a place to explore your experiences. Therapy can help you to cope with and manage difficult thoughts and feelings, difficult or traumatic life experiences, relationship difficulties, or physical ill health. In some areas you are able to self-refer to the free NHS IAPT programme online, but in some areas you may need a referral from your GP. If you are able to access private therapy it may be useful to find a therapist who specialises in working with LGBTQ+ clients or has a similar identity to you – a directory for this can be found on Pink Therapy. Some of the services we have listed below can provide low cost/free therapies.


Barriers to healthcare
Unfortunately many LGBTQ+ individuals will face barriers to healthcare, however, legally you have the same right to health and social care as everyone else. You can read about help with barriers to healthcare on the Mind website here  and more about your legal rights here.


If you feel that you are reaching, or are already, in a place of being at risk to yourself or other people, please contact 999, admit yourself to A&E, or call Samaritans (116 123). We have also provided a list of York based crisis services below. It is important to remember that you should try to reach out for support as soon as you notice you are reaching crisis point.



York Based Services
NHS – TEWV Crisis Service
0800 0516 171 (24 hours, 7days a week – all ages)

Visit Website


The Haven (30 Clarence Street, York)
Mon-Fri 6pm – 10pm and Sat-Sun 12pm – 10pm (please contact in advance of visiting)
07483 141 310 –

Visit Website


Emergency Duty Team
01609 780780


Adults Community Team
01904 555111


York LGBT Forum (support groups and activities)
The York LGBT forum is a charity which aims to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people within York and surrounding areas by working towards social inclusion and prevention of discrimination. The forum provide activities that are free to join, such as gardening, support groups, workshops, and book clubs, in partnership with Yorkshire MESMAC. The forum have also set up sub-support groups, such as those for older people, bisexual people, and trans people. Further information and activity schedules can be found on the York LGBT Forum website.


Yorkshire MESMAC (support, sexual health, and mental health)

Yorkshire MESMAC is an organisation who works with the LGBTQ+ community to provide accessible sexual health and mental health care. York MESMAC offers HIV and STI testing, one-to-one support, and social groups for LGBTQ+ youth, married men, trans people, lesbian people, families and partners of trans people etc. Further information and activity schedules can be found on the York MESMAC website.


The Portal Bookshop
The Portal Bookshop specialises in LGBTQ+ literature, as well as Science Fiction and Fantasy. The shop owners also run LGBTQ+ events, such as open mics, author Q&A’s, and book clubs. More information on these can be found on their Facebook page.


York St John University Counselling and Mental Health Centre
The YSJ CMHC offers affordable counselling and mental health services, with a sliding scale of between £10-50 per session depending on your income. The centre works to ensure that all clients accessing our services feel accepted and valued, and that clients do not face discrimination. You can find further information or complete our self-referral form by accessing our website.


York Mind
York Mind offer lots of free services, including online and in-person activities, help with advocacy, and specific services for young people and adults, including counselling, support groups, and mentoring. You can find more information about their activity programme here, and a referral form for their wellbeing services here.



UK Wide Services

Drug and alcohol advice for LGBTI communities – call 020 7833 1674 during office hours. 


Long-running service operated by the NSPCC for anyone under 18 wishing to discuss any issues or problems. Call free from within UK on 0800 1111. 


Anti-violence LGBT charity Galop runs the National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428.


LGBT Switchboard
UK’s longest running advice and support switchboard for LGBT people. Call free from within the UK on 0300-330 0630.


Resources and support for young people questioning their gender identity or seeking support with trans issues. Call 0344 334 0550, email


Call 116 123 from within UK or Republic of Ireland or email


Call 0300 123 3393 or email for information on mental health, where to access help, advocacy, and treatment options. Find local Mind charity services here, or join the online support community here.


Albert Kennedy Trust
Supports LGBTQ people aged 16-25 who are homeless or living in a hostile environment.


Being Gay is OK
Provides advice and information for LGBTQ+ people under 25.


Bi Cymru/Wales
Network for people in Wales who are bisexual or think they might be bisexual.


British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Professional body for talking therapy and counselling. Provides information and a list of accredited therapists.


Provides wellbeing and sexual health information and support for young people.


Directory of services and groups for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.


Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (FFLAG)
Offers support to parents, friends and family members of those who identify as LGBT+.


0300 123 6600
Confidential advice and information about drugs, their effects and the law.


Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)
Works to improve the lives of of trans and gender non-conforming people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender.


Gendered Intelligence
Charity supporting young trans people aged under 25, and information for their parents and carers.


General Medical Council (GMC)
Helps to protect patients and support doctors, and maintains a register of licensed doctors.


Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Information about local NHS therapy and counselling services, which you can often self-refer to (England only).


LGBT Foundation
0345 3 30 30 30
Advice, support and information for people identifying as LGBTQ+.


London Friend
Offers a range of services around London to support LGBT health and wellbeing including support groups and counselling.


MindLine Trans+
0300 330 5468
Free, confidential listening service for people identifying as trans or non-binary, and their friends and families.


08000 50 20 20
Information and advice for LGBT people on a range of issues.


Stonewall Housing
020 7359 5767
Specialist housing advice for anyone identifying as LGBT+ in England.


Terrence Higgins Trust
0808 802 1221
Provides support for LGBT+ people worried about their sexual health, including via a listening service.


Unity Group Wales
Supports the LGBTQ community in Wales.




Stonewall (2018). LGBT in Britain: Health. [Online report]. Retrieved from:

LGBTQIA+ Support
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