ADHD Awareness | Family and Friends

ADHD Awareness | Family and Friends

Whilst we consider the impact on the individuals mental health, another thing that tends to often be overlooked, is the impact of ADHD /ADD on family members of those diagnosed. To gain this perspective and try to understand how family members or friends’ mental health can be impacted, I spoke with Sharon about her experience surrounding her daughter’s diagnosis:

Emotional Support Group

Emotional Support Group

“I just want to say how brilliant it’s been to be part of these sessions. All the group activities so far have been great. Covering lots of different topics, giving us lots of information and everyone talking about there experiences has been amazing ” – Words from one of our previous member of our last emotional support group.

OCD Awareness Week

OCD Awareness Week

For OCD awareness week I (Shannon) have been honoured to speak with Kailyn Rector, a mental health advocate who is working to break the stigma around OCD. Kailyn is a 20 year old psychology student who runs an Instagram page called ‘peacewithocd’, where she shares important information to educate others on the different aspects of living with OCD.

ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month

This year’s theme of ADHD Awareness Month is ‘discovering new perspectives’. This got me thinking… Primarily ADHD is recognised as a neurodevelopmental condition impacting on behaviour, and this is usually the focus of treatment.

However, the aim of this blog is to look at this from another perspective and highlight how ADHD co-exists with, and impacts on mental health.