Today’s self-care Sunday topic is SLEEP. For some it’s one of our favourite hobbies, and others, we never seem to get enough of it. This seemingly simple activity, is actually a really important one when it comes to our self-care.


We’re all different, and require different needs, but a good nights sleep is essential to our health. According to Bill Fish, Certified Sleep Science Coach, teens should get around 8-10 hours of sleep, young to middle-aged adults around 7-9 hours, and older adults at least 7-8 hours.


So how does getting a good nights kip help us?
😴 The quantity and quality of your sleep has an effect of your immune system functions, so you can better fight off illness and infections.
😴 It can help prevent weight gain. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces a hormone called ghrelin which boosts your appetite and may cause you to snack more!
😴 It can increase your heart function – if you’re not sleeping enough your body may start to produce more cortisol which may cause high blood pressure.
😴 A decent sleep supports your mental wellbeing. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your brain wont have enough time to reset for the following day. This can then affect your mood and ability to make good decisions, and if you’re not getting enough sleep on a regular basis this can lead to negative thinking, irritability, anxiety, and low mood.
😴 On the other side, if you’re getting enough sleep you may wake up more energised, focussed, and feel more productive and excited for the new day!
😴 Getting enough sleep can also help you with your memory and concentration.


How can we support getting a good nights rest?
😴 Stick to a schedule so that your body learns when it’s time to go to bed and wake up, regulating your body clock.
😴 Do something to unwind before going to bed such as take a bath, read, mindfulness or light journaling such as writing a gratitude list.
😴 Avoid caffeine at least 8 hours before going to bed, heavy foods, and try not to rely on alcohol to get to sleep – it may help initially but it disrupts the sleep cycle and you will wake up more.
😴 Switch off your phone, internet data, or even put it outside your bedroom!
😴 A good environment – is your bedroom cosy, quiet, clean and clutter free?
😴 Only use the bedroom for sleep and sex – you don’t want your brain to associate your bedroom or bed with work, computers, television, exercise or even studying.
😴 Exercise. Whether its walking, an exercise class, swimming or dancing – these can all help you to feel more tired and get a good nights sleep.

Self-Care Sunday | Sleep
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