Self-Care Sunday | Connection

Self-Care Sunday | Connection

For this week’s self-care Sunday, we’re looking at our social self-care, and in particular, connecting with family and friends to support our wellbeing. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, the majority of us need connection with others, that human interaction, to help us get through the tough times, help to us feel good, and fill us up.

Self-Care Sunday

Self-Care Sunday

For this week’s self-care Sunday, we’re going to look at some of the types of self-care there are. Self-care covers a range of areas, so we thought we would focus on just six of the main ones; Practical, Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual, and Emotional. Prioritising our self-care is important, and if we can, we can do what we can to improve these areas, and in doing so, our mental health and wellbeing. As we mentioned before, self-care can look different for everyone, but to help start us off thinking about what we can incorporate into our daily lives, we’ve listed some suggestions and things to think about