York St John Outreach Hub

Bringing our university to you.

Student Support

Here at York St John, we offer a lot of support for our students.


Our Team is here to support you before you arrive at York St John. We can answer your questions about our courses, entry requirements, living in York and student life.

We also have lots of support available when you enrol with us including:

A life long careers service

Student Funding Advice

Wellbeing and Counselling

An onsite GP

Academic Support

Dedicated Support for Mature Students, Student Carers, Care Leavers & Estranged Students, Commuting Students, Asylum Seeking Students, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Students, BAME Students, Student Parents and Trans Students. 

Take a look at our Support Blogs for more information, or look at our website: https://www.yorksj.ac.uk/students/supporting-our-diverse-community/ 


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