Most of us have heard the term ‘self-care’, but what actually is it and why is it important? Every week we’re going to delve into this topic a bit more, and specifically the things we can do to support ourselves in our own self-care. So we thought it would be best to start at the beginning.


What is self-care, and why is it important?


Self-care is about taking personal responsibility for your wellbeing by making yourself a priority. It’s about encouraging you to look after yourself practically, physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. There’s a misconception that self-care is selfish, but that’s far from the truth. It is important for us to do both the little things and the bigger things to keep our wellness cup full! If we can make the time to help ourselves and fill our own cup, then it’s so much easier to do the things we want to do, do our jobs well, and help and do things for others. We can’t pour into someone else’s cup, if ours is nearly empty. If we prioritise our self-care, it can help us to better cope with, and manage life’s daily pressures and stressors.


So, what does self-care look like? Well, it’s completely personal to you, and everyone’s self-care will look different. What lights you up? What fills you with joy? What helps to calm you? What are your values? Is connecting with others important? Self-development? Being in nature? Self-care comes in all shapes and sizes, but what’s important is that you can take some time out every day to prioritise yourself and give yourself that care you need. However long you spend on whatever you decide, just give yourself that practical, physical, emotional, mental, social, or spiritual nourishment you are worthy of.

Self-Care Sundays
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