Welcome to Initial Teacher Education at York St John University!
Initial Teacher Education (ITE) is part of the School of Education, Language and Psychology at YSJ. We have been involved in teacher training and education since 1841 when York St John was established as a teacher training college, later becoming a university.
We have a successful history of educating and training outstanding student teachers and a strong record of contributing to our local and national teaching community.
Partnership is at the heart of our ITE programmes. We work together to ensure our programmes reflect the latest research and evidence. The combination of experienced university, school based and other external colleagues working in partnership, makes a powerful and inspiring teaching team across a range of learning settings, providing quality experiences for our student teachers.
We have over 500 students on our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes and offer ITE programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, leading to both an academic qualification and Qualified Teacher Status.
This area is intended to provide information for our ITE community and in particular to our current students, alumni (teaching in local, regional and national schools) and those interested in joining us to become a teacher – we welcome the opportunity to support you on your journey in the teaching profession!
Keither Parker
Associate Head of School: Education
School of Education, Language and Psychology

Our latest Ofsted report (March 2022) commented that “There is something special about York St John trainees. They are diligent, kind, caring and self-reflective”. This comment, from a headteacher who offers placements for trainees, is typical of those made to inspectors. Leaders’ vision is for trainees “citizens not tourists” of York St John University. This is exactly what trainees experience. In addition, the report confirmed that the curriculum for trainees is well considered and logical. It is delivered effectively and with passion by experts. The report commented that “Leaders run a genuine partnership between schools and the university”.