We deliver regular webinars for our ECTs. These are led by ITE staff and YSJ Graduates and focus on areas that we are aware may be priorities for ECTs. In late summer/ early autumn, our webinars focus on preparing for your ECT induction and the advice in the early stages of your career. Webinars in late autumn and spring focus on priority areas. 

Upcoming webinars

Each half term we offer either an ECT drop in session for general questions and advice or a webinar focussed on a specific topic. Our next session will be a drop in session in January 2024 (date TBC).  Further information will be emailed to our ECTs with the Teams meeting link nearer to the date.

Past webinars

Our webinars are designed to offer our ECTs a space for them to discuss their experiences and for our staff to continue to support them. Given that staff and schools are identifiable, recordings of most webinars are not appropriate for a wider audience. You will see below a taster of different webinars that we have offered in the past and a previous recording focusing on meeting the needs of all pupils.

Collage of our past webinars

Webinar on Mental health & well-being 20.01.22

What our ECTs said about this webinar… “Catching up with the YSJ team and talking about mental health & well-being was really beneficial. Having it booked in the diary to talk about important things was just what I needed” (2021 Graduate).

Webinar on managing behaviour 23.11.22

Webinar on Managing Workload 09.02.23

Webinar ‘The Pathway to SENCo’ 26.04.23

Webinar ‘mental health and well-being’ 22.11.23

Webinar ‘digital tools and AI’ 14.03.24

Webinar – teaching abroad 14.05.24

Webinar – MA Study 15.05.24

We would like to thank Ian Wilson for his technical support with this and other previous webinars