Creative expression is another fantastic way to give yourself a bit of self-care and look after your mental wellbeing.


Whether it’s creative writing or poetry, drawing or finger painting, knitting or pottery – getting creative is a great way to help us reduce stress levels, get into the moment and disconnect from our worries, and have some fun whilst getting real messy or creating something beautiful. On top of that, it can be a good way to help us express our thoughts and feelings which can be hard to do at times.


Life can be difficult, and sometimes we forget to take time out to have fun and let our inner child back out – what creative things did you love to do as a kid?


Autumn is a great season to get stuck into being creative – collecting brightly coloured fallen leaves to paint or make a collage, or seeing as it’s Halloween, why not get involved in some pumpkin carving! We would love to see what you create so please share!

Self-Care Sunday | Creative Expression
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