6.10. Small Beer & Small Potatoes: A Comprehensive History of “Feminine Humour” in 64 minutes

Hot on the heels of their recent foray into the Brontë “Potatoverse” (see Ep61), Jo and Adam stumble upon what alleges to be a complete history of English Humour which manages to condense women’s contribution to the comic canon into just 7 pages, badging what it terms the distinct humour of the female sex as a kind of “small beer and small potatoes.” This account is written by none other than the celebrated author of “An Inspector Calls”, J. B Priestly, and it claims that there are no fewer than THREE comic women in the literary canon: Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell and Nancy Mitford… Jo and Adam also check in on old friend of the pod, Liz Truss, and examine Count Binface’s frighteningly plausible campaign for London Mayor. Finally, they are also delighted to share a very special preview of a recent episode of Dogeared: A Bookish Podcast, upon which they recently appeared as guests to discuss, satire, Jane Eyre and Jonathan Swift.

Listen to the full episode!