7.1. Snapp GenyLex Special: The 2024 General Election Eras of Satire Tour

Jo and Adam are back sooner than expected with an episode so topical it’ll almost certainly by out of date by the time you finish reading this sentence! Rishi Sunak has called a general election, but something seems different this time… At the time of writing, there seems little expectation that the Tories can keep hold of office and, with one PR catastrophe after another, some are even speculating that they’re actually TRYING to lose. Meanwhile, Labour seems to be expending all of their energy on pumping out memetastic TikToks whilst Ed Davie is apparently having the holiday of a lifetime. Suffice to day, the internet is drowning in satire. But fear not, Adam and Jo are here to sort the Juvenalian from the Menippean, identify the various subjects of critique and say then everything is bathos. Also featuring further updates on the Mitford sisters and the 18th Century.

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