Addiction, Recovery and Spirituality Panel Discussion

This was an online panel discussion hosted by the Centre for Religion in Society and open to all.


Research from the charity Drinkaware reveals that alcohol consumption at home has increased during lockdown: young people are drinking alone to ease anxiety, parents are drinking earlier in the day than previously, and furloughed workers are drinking on more days of the week than before the pandemic. Increased alcohol consumption can have long term mental and physical health consequences, but how much is too much? When does alcohol consumption become addiction, what does recovery entail, and what does any of this have to do with spirituality? Is religion a hindrance or a help? Is spirituality the key to wellbeing? Are addiction taboos making recovery harder? What has lockdown meant for addiction and recovery support workers? Join this diverse panel for a full and frank discussion.

Panellists are:

Priya Sahota – IRIS Support Worker, Wolverhampton and Walsall at Changing Lives

Ian Mayer – Deputy Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, author of Are We Brave Enough?

Andy Ryan – Head of Addiction and Recovery Services at Changing Lives

Dr Wendy Dossett – Research Director of Addiction, Recovery and Spirituality Group at University of Chester

Organiser and Chair:

Dr Esther McIntosh – Associate Head of Religion, Politics and International Relations at York St John University.