Prof. Andrew Village and Prof. Leslie J. Francis
Two surveys have now been completed:
Coronavirus, Church & You. This ran during the first lockdown from May to July 2020 and collected about 10,000 replies from clergy and lay people in the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church, and other denominations in the UK and Ireland. The results have been reported through peer-reviewed articles and articles in church newspapers. For more information and links to this output, visit the survey webpage.
Covid-19 & Church-21. This follow-up survey ran during the third English lockdown from January to July 2021 and collected about 5,000 replies. We also ran surveys in North America which collected a similar number of replies. These data are now being analysed in detail, and initial reports are available on the C-19 & C-21 webpage. As we publish more material we will update the publication list for the study.