In 2022-23, the Centre for Religion in Society presented a series of film screenings throughout the year as part of a new film club for university students and staff. Hosted in York St John’s new Creative Centre, the film club aimed to grow our community by facilitating an ongoing discussion about the representation of religion in cinema from all over the world. For each screening, a researcher connected with the Centre for Religion in Society introduced a film of their choice. After our collective viewing, there was lively discussion over drinks and refreshments
30th September, 17.30
The Wave (Die Welle), 2008. Dir. Dennis Ganse. Presented by Dr Mark Dawson.
A German socio-political thriller film starring Jürgen Vogel, Frederick Lau, Jennifer Ulrich and Max Riemelt. Based on Ron Jones‘ social experiment The Third Wave and the novel, The Wave, by Todd Strasser.
Volver, 2006. Dir. Pedro Almodóvar (date to be announced). Presented by Dr Sharon Jagger
Volver (meaning ‘to return’) is a Spanish comedy-drama starring Penélope Cruz, Carmen Maura, Lola Dueñas, Blanca Portillo, Yohana Cobo, and Chus Lampreave. The story centres on a family of women in the Madrid, grieving the death of their mother, who appears to be haunting one of the sisters. The plot originates in Almodóvar’s earlier film The Flower of My Secret (1995) and tackles themes of sexual abuse, death and religious culture mixed with folk superstition. The film is influenced by Almodóvar’s own upbringing in the region of La Mancha in Spain.